No. 51 | Why Rest is Productive: Self-Care for Times of Political Stress
I don’t know about you, but the results of the recent US election has weighed on my mind all week. No, it’s not my country, and he won’t be my president, but the impact this country has on a global scale is terrifying. And with Canada’s election coming up next year and everyone being quite upset with how the liberals have led the past 9 years… it feels like we’re heading into a global state of destruction with what feels like a guarantee the Conservatives will be voted in… our own version of a Trump leader…
Seeing the amount of hatred towards women, LGBTQIA+, POC, Immigrants, etc. that is spreading online since the US election results is overwhelming, and you can’t help but feel helpless.
But I also know it’s the moment you allow yourself to give up and give in to defeat that the oppressors truly win.
I know this week for many has felt sad, emotionally draining, and fearful of what the future holds. It has every right to feel this way. I know for myself it’s felt especially challenging to stay motivated and inspired to get active. I’ve spent a lot more time this week trying to focus more on getting through the small things that keep me grounded – as simple as making sure I eat throughout the day, drink enough water, and keep my space organized.
When we can manage the small things day by day, we create momentum that allows us to take on the bigger things that matter to us.
It’s normal to feel guilty, or like you’re not doing enough, but the most important thing you can be doing is taking care of yourself first so that you have the capacity to show up for others. I’d say that’s been the theme for this past month, and especially this past week. The feeling like I should want to do all the big things, when what I want and need right now is a slower pace of intentional solitude. To be clear – not be completely alone lol – but not feeling like I have to be doing all these big crazy adventures or ticking off big goals every week or spending time hanging out with lots of new people.
Sometimes there comes the season in life where the most important things I can be doing myself is the small, kind, and gentle actions that make a less conventional lifestyle more sustainable. Do I wish I was climbing or hiking or travelling somewhere new almost every day? A part of me does. But currently, the louder part of me is the one asking for more rest, more slow movement like yoga, stretching, easy walks. The part of me that is seeking more introspective thinking and self-development rather than hanging out in large groups every day.
Sometimes it feels confusing navigating a brain that swings so strongly in both directions of wanting big adventurous life with lots of people, and craving slow, quiet life. I’m learning to lean into following my intuition more and listening to what my mind and body are asking of me – rather than forcing what I think it should have. With this comes learning how to communicate it with those closest to me without it sounding or feeling like I’m avoiding them, and recognizing whether it’s something I need, or if it’s fear of something else. Because let’s be honest, sometimes we think we need an afternoon to sit around and do nothing, but really, we need to kick ourselves into gear and do something… but then other times we really DO need that downtime/alone time. Learning to know which it is, is the true challenge.
All this to say: these election results have lit a fire in me. How I see that flame growing I’ve yet to figure out – all I know is that action of any form will be one of the most important things we can do… but so is rest. Rest so that you have the energy to act. Rest for however long you need, without losing sight of its true purpose.
Stay passionate and curious.
Some questions I’d like to leave you with (feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!):
How do you know when you need to rest versus when you need to push through?
How do you practice self-care when you feel overwhelmed by stressful times?
In what ways has rest helped you become more productive or resilient?